Plink Garbage Disposer Cleaner – Restores Fresh Scent to Homes Expecting Romance

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Gone for a weekend, I found my decision to send chicken skin down the garbage disposal poor. The hallway to my apartment filled with the egregious odor as quickly as I opened the door. Inside, the matter multiplied.

My date was coming over in an hour and the waft of wretchedness wore upon my home.

Fresh, confined, deteriorating: Unlike the city dump, no birds came to eat the refuse and no wind blew a dissipated scent. Sea gulls were unavailable. The wind, with the assistance of two fans and windows opened at the east and west sides, made good work of the air. Hot water in the drain, followed by the dropping in of Plink cleaners, began the new journey to a date-worthy home.

Each is the size of a marble… one is usually enough. No chances taken here. I used three.

Plink, with its cleansing action, erased and covered the awful aroma. What became of the date, I cannot say, but know that I am a pleased Plink customer.

The next time your sink reeks of chicken gone bad, and company’s on its way, try Plink.

Another review full of love. See my blog for even more fun.

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