Jiffy Pop Butter Popcorn – Delicious Way of Making Popcorn

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I sipped Chardonnay one Saturday as a lone Jiffy Pop package laid relaxed on my counter, waiting for heat. As the evening gave way to night, and the wine found its better home, I found in my moonlit kitchen that I was its suitor. I had fire.

Like Chopin finding music, I discovered inspiration that brightened and enlightened my heart. Thoughts of hot corn, popped into a new shape, tickling my tongue, excited me into a rush. Heating the aluminum, shaking it from many angles, I danced, my smile shining up from the polyurethane floor.

For a minute, maybe two, nothing, until the first kernel said hello, rebirthing from harsh and hard to kind and soft.

The foil rustled softly like a fresh-pressed cotton sundress, as popping corn made its plea of escape. More, then silence. Escape was found with my lacerating finger piercing and pulling open its silver veil. Steam now relieved, I bathed in the scent of butter, until a wispingly swift move delivered me from wanting to eating.

Try Jiffy Pop. May you too have fire when the Jiffy Pop needs heat.

Still hungry? Try some Caramels or Slim Fast.

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