Smuckers Strawberry Jam – Remember the Best Days of Childhood with Strawberry Jam

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Some eat jam because they are hungry. Some eat jam to forget. I eat strawberry jam to remember.

How many years has it been since I was six, and Nancy was six, and we both sat in the lunchroom nervously confused that first week of first grade?

How long has it been since I opened my brown bag in despair, seeing I had only half of a great sandwich? The half missing was the jam. I had two slices of white bread surrounding a couple swooshes of peanut butter.

What all has passed since Nancy, my neighbor from three doors down to the south, smiled (as she always would) and gave me half of her cleanly sliced PBJ?

Her grace and friendship then was not forgotten, and every year, every autumn, I find myself with some jam, a spoon and a smile, wondering if she remembers too.

Grade A, and fancy, and as tasty as any jam outside of your mom’s recipe, Smucker’s is my regular choice. I hope it helps remind you of good days when you were six. 48 oz is a good start.

Who is Nancy?  More reviews.

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