Gallon Jug – Filled with Love and Lemonade

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There are times when thirst is great. You want a jug large enough to quench what needs quenching.

The train stopped midway between where I was and where I wanted to be. Then again, I was happy not to have arrived where I was going. My conversation with the woman I met 60 minutes before the train left, and the subsequent 30 minutes sitting next to me on the train reminded me that beauty was transcendent and kindness was deeper than a glass of water.

I had my gallon jug, filled with lemonade and ice, while she had an empty water bottle, filled with air and wishes.

I shared with her my jug, and she shared with me her time. We talked about lemonade stands, and how good cold glass of lemonade is after a hot day playing near a lake. Then we discovered that the lake we both described was the same one in central Wisconsin. Her parents owned the yellow house across the lake from where my parents rented a cottage.

As far as the specifics of this jug, know that it carries a gallon of liquid, seals well, keeps cold things cold. Be ready to share and you might find out you are lost in a conversation filled with kindness, memories, and potential.

Hydro Gallon® Nomad – Insulated 64oz Half Gallon Water Bottle Jug with Sleeve, Straw Lid, Handle, Strap, Pockets. Large Stainless Steel Metal Gym Thermos. Wide mouth, Leakproof, BPA free. 62oz (Beige)

Be where I am.

lemonade train

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