Coffee and Books: An uncommonly common collective. When you are reading a particular novel, or poetry for that matter, do you choose your coffee accordingly? Should you?

If you’re looking for the answer, I don’t know. Let’s explore what we do know.

There are different styles and tones. Different topics, time periods, settings. Some are heavy, some are light. Some take all day to read, and some might take all year.

  • Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
  • Catch-22, Joseph Heller
  • Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
  • In Search of Lost Time, Marcel Proust
  • Moby-Dick, Herman Melville
  • Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell
  • Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
  • Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë

Coffee is like that. Just how we make it offers a myriad of options.

  • Black Coffee
  • Coffee Cocktails
  • Coffee with Alcohol
  • Coffee with Flavorings
  • Coffee with Milk
  • Coffee-Based Desserts
  • Cold Brew
  • Espresso-Based Drinks
  • Iced Coffee
  • Nitro Cold Brew

And Roasts

Considering all that, and presuming most of you at the very least drank regular drip coffee from time to time, let’s think through this specifically in regard to roast.

  • Cinnamon Roast: The lightest roast, offering high acidity and bright flavors.
  • Light Roast: Slightly darker than cinnamon, with more pronounced flavors and a touch of sweetness.
  • Medium-Light Roast: Balanced acidity and sweetness, with a clean finish.
  • City Roast: Well-rounded flavor, with a smooth and balanced taste.
  • American Roast: Similar to City Roast, but with slightly more caramelization.
  • Full City Roast: A popular choice, offering a rich flavor with hints of caramel and nuttiness.
  • Full City Dark Roast: Deeper flavor profile, with notes of chocolate and smoke.
  • French Roast: Bold and intense, with a smoky and oily appearance.
  • Italian Roast: Very dark roast, often with a bitter and charred taste.
  • Viennese Roast: Similar to Italian, but with slightly less bitterness.

Too many options? Quite. The question then is, which book is matched with which roast? If you want to get more specific, how are you going to make it?

It doesn’t matter which book, but it does matter that it’s a book with some substance. Now, wait a minute, no it doesn’t. If you want to read Some vampire romance, don’t pretend you’re reading some deep book. It’s not dark, it’s frothy.

Now off you go to sort this out.

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