Chopin Complete Edition – Chopin’s Solo Piano Reminds Me of Romance

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While traveling, I caught a concert in a church. Chopin’s delicate “Nocturnes” highlighted the evening, drawing not only me, but Nancy. She sat near the front, on the right.

She paused while leaving to thank the pianist. Fascinated by her accent, her voice and her smile, I could not help but smile in return as we both exited into the foyer.

“Chopin’s my favorite,” she said, “Though I could be inclined for Bach, if the mood is good.” Naturally I agreed, and, without guile or hesitation, asked her to join me in a walk along the river. We both knew there was no river, but we walked anyway. Darkness ran into morning, and we sipped espresso while sitting close on a nonexistent bridge overlooking the nonexistent river. Imagining boats going by, she noted the lights were beautiful against the shimmer of the slowly rising sun on the water. But the sun finished rising, and I was soon returning home.

“But what about us?” she asked.

“We’ll always have the river. We didn’t have it, we found it when you came to hear Chopin. We found it last night.” We might as well have been in Paris, and she might have been Ilsa and I might have been Rick.

To all of this, this collection by Chopin, from the Nocturnes to the Sonatas, are beautiful, gentle, and worthy of their small fee. May they remind you of a warm night listening in a church.

More reviews, more broken hearts.

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